Legal Notice and Disclaimer

The purpose of this project is to preserve and archive community-generated content related to IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 for historical and educational purposes. All files uploaded to this archive are contributed by members of the community who have them in their possession.

If you do not wish for your files to be included in this archive, please contact us directly with a clear identification of the files in question, and we will evaluate your request. However, if these files are already in the possession of others who choose to upload them, they will remain available to the public. Due to limited resources, we are unable to verify the origin or permissions of every individual file.

1. No Warranty Clause

All files and materials are provided "as is," without any guarantees or warranties of any kind, express or implied. The maintainers of this archive are not liable for any inaccuracies, omissions, or consequences resulting from the use of these files.

2. Use at Your Own Risk

Users download and use content from this archive at their own risk. The archive maintainers accept no responsibility for damages, data loss, or system issues arising from the use of these files.

3. Attribution and Respect for Original Creators

Wherever possible, credit to original creators is preserved. Users are encouraged to respect the intellectual property and creative efforts of the individuals who contributed to the content.

4. Copyright and Fair Use Statement

This project operates under the principle of fair use, intended for educational and archival purposes only. Any copyrighted content included is done so with the belief that it is necessary to preserve the community's historical contributions. For removal requests or concerns regarding specific files, please contact us.

5. Limitation of Liability

The maintainers of this archive are not responsible for disputes arising from the uploaded content. All users and contributors agree to indemnify and hold harmless the maintainers from any claims, damages, or legal actions related to the files.

6. Contribution Guidelines

By uploading files to this archive, contributors confirm that they have the necessary rights or permissions to share the content. The maintainers are not responsible for verifying these rights.

7. Privacy Policy

This archive does not collect or share personal data except as necessary for operational purposes, such as processing file removal requests.

Final Note: By accessing or contributing to this archive, you agree to these terms and conditions. This project is not intended for commercial use or profit, and its primary purpose is to preserve the history and contributions of the IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946 community. For any concerns or inquiries, please reach out to